Friday, February 25, 2011

People Watching

Well it has been sometime now, and it appears as though Randstad has been taken hostage by the gnomes of the science building...

People Watching is one of America's oldest and most beloved past times. We all engage in it throughout the day whenever we find ourselves to be bored or could it be that we are truly a nation of procrastinators who do not want to complete a simple task?!

Last night I decided to go grab dinner at the Student Union with the Hulk (whose picture had to be removed because of controversial allegation) and Thumper. Now pay careful attention as I describe the strategic placement we all picked. We sat at one of the high top tables in the middle of the dining area under the clock...Seriously though what is the deal with that, and could it even really be called art?! I sat where I could best see those coming down the stairs, Hulk sat where he could see those going in and out of the Student Union Market, and Thumper sat where she could see the rest of those dining. If you've been following closely you realize that we have the entire Student Union covered...LET THE PEOPLE WATCHING BEGIN!

All it took was one outburst from Thumper and we had our own edition of Hot 93.7's "Tell 'em Why Ya Mad. Out of the blue Thumper bursts into laughter, and immediately reaches for her phone and begins to send out a flurry of texts. Hulk and I are caught slightly off-guard because he is enjoying his Double-MEAT borritto, and I am reading up on the news from the Daily Campus. Specifically, why Calhoun though it would be a good idea to commit serious recruitment infractions, and damage our recruitment possibilities for next year (Bottomline- If you are dumb enough to have digital proof that you are doing something wrong then you will get caught, no ifs, ands, or buts). What has Thumper in this fit of hysteria is that one of her friends ex's is eating with his new beau, and she finds great entertainment in this. For the life of me ladies I cannot understand why you all decide to pick apart the new flavors of those whom your ex's or your friends ex's are with...You  need to boost yourself with falsevalidations?! Be Honest...

Well now this sets the Hulk off into rage mode, and god help any of the poor females in their who have their hair in any unacceptable style. GIRL WORK THE UP! Well not in the manner where you place your hair in a sideways ponytail or place your hair on top of your head so it looks like you stuck a pineapple there. Simply put, the 80's fashion has died out, so please do not take it upon yourself to try and revive it.

I myself could not figure out for the love of my why there is a sudden influx of justin Beiber look-a-likes and/or wannabes. Its bad enough that he has made a joke out the NBA, but really the haircut and skinny jeans really and honestly do not work for any self-respecting "male."

So Where's Waldo?!

 All I'm saying is yes express yourself as you like, but scientific facts do not lie and those jeans restrict circulation and that hair style wont attract anyone over the age of 12 so I wish you the best of luck. For the rest of the time I was distracted by the thought of how I would snag the slice of pepperoni pizza the Hulk got without him going bonkers. Meanwhile, Thumper is still mesmerized went with her prior observations and could not be distracted by the ex's new beau dubbed "Mr. Ed." Once again ladies, your friend or you left him so who really has to the last say when your the one boosting yourself with negative validations of their newfound flavor.

General Comments: All people watching is done in good humor without malice, and like all good sports we can turn the tables on one another. Poor Thumper finds herself to be prey when she proceeds to say it is not polite to stare, and Hulk and I immediately begin a staring constant where Thumper finds herself the victim of some serious eyeing. Throughout the day we all find ourselves to be people watching at times. We sit there and find things we like and things we dislike, and it is through this reflect practice that we are able to alleviate some of the stress from our days routines. Here are is a brief list of some of the best places to people watch at UCONN:

1. Student Union Balcony (overlooks dining area)
2. Rotunda in the Co-Op
3. Landscape area directly outside of the co-op (optimal viewing point for four-way intersection)
4. Bookworms
5. Wilbur Cross tables in the main lobby
6. You tell me...

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